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How Sugar Causes Cavities

Increasing evidence shows that a high-sugar diet is detrimental to health. Furthermore, anyone who has been to the dentist knows how harmful sugar is to their teeth and gums. But have you ever heard why sugar is so dangerous? Unfortunately, so much of what we eat and drink contains sugar, and you must know why

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Is Dental Phobia Impacting Your Oral Health?

Dental phobia can manifest in a powerful fear of visiting the dentist. Patients will often suffer pain and discomfort rather than seeking treatment. If you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease, tooth decay or a dental emergency, there are solutions available. Overcoming your fear is possible with the right support. At Gwinnett Family Dental Care,

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Brushing Your Child’s Teeth

Keeping those little pearly whites in good condition is a parent’s job until the child is able to correctly manage the task. When that first tooth erupts, the job begins. Even before then, caring for your newborn’s gums is important to keep them healthy. The saliva in the mouth helps clean harmful bacteria away and

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